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Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ)

Location : Zurich / CH
Leader : N/A
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- Description of the institution:

Two Institutes participate:

Institute of Molecular Systems Biology: Sauer lab. The Sauer group has been active in metabolic engineering of B. subtilis for 10 years and is a leader in 13 C-based experimental flux methods and software development. They just published the first large-scale flux analysis with 175 B. subtilis mutants to unravel metabolic design principles. A state-of-the-art quantitative metabolomics lab was recently established, and stationary, genome-scale modelling is used for phenotype prediction.

Institute of Computational Science: Stelling lab. The Stelling lab is active in modelling and computational analysis of cellular systems; metabolic pathway analysis; dynamic modelling (e.g. cell cycle, transcriptional control, signal transduction); analysis of robustness and optimality; inference of transcriptional control circuits.

- Key persons involved in Basysbio:

Pr. Uwe Sauer

Professor for Systems Biology at the new ETH Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, which is part of the national initiative for systems biology ( With a PhD in microbiology and a post-doc in bioprocess engineering, he has led his own quantitative physiology group at the ETH Institute of Biotechnology, and was PI on several industry- and EU-funded projects. Sauer chairs the data acquisition and database working group of the international Yeast Systems Biology Network ( that is funded as a NoE in FP6, is part of scientific committees of the European Science Foundation forward look on Systems Biology, the transnational program Systems Biology of Microorganisms for the German BMBF, and the 1 st FEBS course on systems biology, and is also a Scientific Advisor for the Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Microorganisms.

Pr. Jörg Stelling

PhD in Systems Dynamics & Control, is Assistant Professor for Bioinformatics at the ETH Institute of Computational Science. As one of the initial employees of the first Max Planck Institute in Engineering Sciences, he made major contributions to establishing the Systems Biology department. Stelling was associate coordinator for the computational platform in the ‘Hepatocyte Systems Biology' project funded by the German BMBF and member of a EU high-level expert group on ‘Synthetic Biology' .

Dr. Nicola Zamboni

PhD in metabolic engineering and flux analysis of B. subtilis, has developed quantitative metabolomics based on CE and LC MS. He heads the research group of quantitative metabolomics at the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology. Dr. Eliane Fischer, PhD on high-througput flux analysis in B. subtilis, is currently a senior scientist for flux method development at the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology.

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